Licor Beirao 700ml
The Licor De Beirao is obtained by a double distillation of herbs and aromatic seeds.
The colour of the Licor De Beirao is amber or blond, its taste is soft and alcoholic
The Liquor De Beirao is drinking as a dry digestive or with ice cubes. This liquor from Beirao is also very popular in cocktails with lemon washers or with coffee, liquid cream and crushed ice.
The Licor De Beirao is obtained by a double distillation of herbs and aromatic seeds.
The colour of the Licor De Beirao is amber or blond, its taste is soft and alcoholic
The Liquor De Beirao is drinking as a dry digestive or with ice cubes. This liquor from Beirao is also very popular in cocktails with lemon washers or with coffee, liquid cream and crushed ice.
The Licor De Beirao is obtained by a double distillation of herbs and aromatic seeds.
The colour of the Licor De Beirao is amber or blond, its taste is soft and alcoholic
The Liquor De Beirao is drinking as a dry digestive or with ice cubes. This liquor from Beirao is also very popular in cocktails with lemon washers or with coffee, liquid cream and crushed ice.